A one piece of news, NHS hospitals in England face tough efficiency savings.
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The Department of Health has already said it wants efficiency savings of 4% for each of the next five years. Monitor says higher than expected inflation and tougher financial penalties for hospitals are to As part of the government's reforms of the NHS in England every hospital is expected to become a foundation trust.But to do that they must satisfy the financial regulator they can balance their books.The NHS is in a strong financial position. We are investing an extra £11.5 billion into the NHS by 2014-15.
Efficiency savings:
About 85 hospitals and mental health trusts have yet to achieve foundation status, but now Monitor has told them the bar is being raised even higher.In December the Department of Health said it was looking for efficiency savings of 4% for each of the next five years. "It is essential that the quality of patient services does not suffer as a result cost-cutting measures.Benchmark
They are also the benchmark wich Monitor will use to judge whether a hospital will be granted foundation status, And while some health economist had questiones whether hospitals could make year on year savings of 4%, these new figures look much tougher. "Ican see a hospital doing this for one or two yars, but not five years. Hospitals in Engalnd have until April 2014 to achieve foundation trust status.
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